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From: Martin Kift <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 09:55:06 GMT0BST
Subject: Re: Joel Corn: Order does not work.
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> > Thanks for the tip on using a different order for that little
> > program I showed everyone, but
> >
> > BitMapOutput 0
> > BlitzKeys On
> > BitMapInput
> >
> > doesn't seem to work either. So, therefore you agree with me that
> > there must be a bug, right? You think it wouldn't be too naughty of
> > me to tell Acid to check it out?
> >
> > Nelson "Mr. Mig" Santos
> Hmm nother rule of thumb (ROT) is that I always turn BlitzKeys on
> straight after going into BlitzMode...
I agree with this, and if you do use blitzkeys, always (AND I MEAN
ALWAYS!!!!!!! 8^), switch off blitzkeys before jumping into QAMIGA
mode (and switch them on again when going back into BLITZ mode
obviously), or you will be in deep shit!
I have serious keyboard buffering problems when using blitzkeys,
which had me tearing my hair out for ages, until I noticed I wasn't
disabling/enabling blitzkeys when using QAMIGA mode. Sigh... 8)